Antistatic, ESD & Conductive Floorings: ElectroShield

We offer flooring coating solutions for virtually any industry, including manufacturing environment, industrial facilities, educational institutions, food services, automotive showrooms, hospitals, and commercial buildings. Our products are formulated for use as Antistatic, ESD, and conductive flooring.

Antistatic, ESD & Conductive Floorings: ElectroShield

Antistatic Floor Coatings: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Flooring


Antistatic or Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) flooring is widely used across many industries, particularly in data centers, clean rooms, electronics manufacturing, warehouses and the pharmaceutical industry.


What is ESD Flooring and Why is it Essential? 

This section provides an overview of everything you need to know about industrial flooring and why ESD flooring is crucial in sensitive environments.


Static dissipating floor articles are useful in manufacturing locations and areas where computers or other sensitive electronic equipment are used. The objective of such flooring solutions is to reduce static electricity on individuals performing job tasks related to  textile production, electronics manufacturing, or other industries where static can be generated. Static electricity often results from the friction between materials, like fibers or plastic components, and can accumulate on a person’s body, potentially discharging upon contact with metal or grounded objects. Such discharges can be uncomfortable or even painful and may lead to damage in electronic devices or computer-aided instruments.

Thus, an ideal flooring article for these environments provides two critical features: static dissipating properties to reduce static buildup for those standing on it and insulating properties to prevent the flooring from conducting electricity to people in contact with it.

This conductivity is important for dissipating charges generated in manufacturing locations, clean rooms, and areas where sensitive electronic equipment is in use. Electrical resistance is a material property that opposes the flow of electric current and is measured in ohms(Ω). One standard test for measuring electrical resistance is ASTM F-150, which provides a range of values shown in Table 1, along with associated industry terminology.


Table 1: Industry Nomenclature for Electrical Conductivity of Floors


Classification Electrical Resistance Range (Ohms), ASTM F-150
Insulative    1 × 1013-1 × 1015
Static Dissipative        1 × 106-1 × 1011
Conductive 2.54 × 104-1 × 106
Super Conductive  1 × 101-1 × 104


Whenever materials rub against each other, electrons are transferred between them: one material loses electrons and becomes positively charged, while the other gains electrons and becomes negatively charged. This imbalance of positively charged particles (protons) and negatively charged particles (electrons) creates electrostatic energy. As long as the relative air humidity is at least 65%, the humidity compensates for this charge buildup. However, in drier air, electrostatic charge accumulation is greater.

In typically dry environments, such as hospitals and offices, substantial static charges can build up, especially when floors are treated with cleaning agents or devices. Any isolated contact with conductive materials can then lead to a sudden discharge, sometimes accompanied by tiny electric arcs. This can be uncomfortable for individuals sensitive to static, such as pacemaker wearers, and can also negatively affect sensitive electronic equipment, including patient monitors, cardiographic systems, computers, printers, and laptops. In specialized environments like ammunition storage and handling facilities, sudden discharges can cause anything from malfunctions to damage in sensitive electronic components.

Floorkrete offers a wide range of antistatic (also called electrostatic discharge (ESD) or electrostatic conductive) flooring. These products are highly effective in preventing harmful electrical charge buildup by dissipating it safely to the ground. 


The ESD products are specially manufactured for environments that contain or handle sensitive components, gases, solvents, or even explosives. Industries such as electronics manufacturing, chemical processing, petrochemical processing sectors and  data centres make extensive use of these products.


Electroshield ESD flooring systems are self-smoothing, abrasion and chemical resistant, and dustproof with extremely high durability. Being monolithic, they create a completely watertight floor, making them a superior alternative to tiles or vinyl finishes.


Eletroshield flooring products offer option ranging from antistatic to electrostatic dissipation and electrostatic conductive types. Apart from performance based requirement, products can be choosen with a wide range of surface finish and colours.


Floorkrete has different flooring products to offer from:- 

Epoxy Flooring , Floor Care Products , Vinyl Ester Flooring. 

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