Car Park Flooring: Traffideck, Trafficoat, Deckcoat

Floorkrete's car park floor and deck coatings are designed to meet the highest demand for every garage and multi-level car park applications, protecting concrete floors from abrasion and damage.A Floorkrete-treated floor can withstand heavy traffic, impacts and exposure to automotive chemicals, ensuring a long lasting and effective surface. Floorkrete's car park products are environmentally sustainable, enhancing visual appearance and light reflectivity, while also preventing water ingress into parking structures.

Car Park Flooring: Traffideck, Trafficoat, Deckcoat

Car Park Flooring TraffiDeck®, TraffiCoat® and Deckcoat®


Designing and building a car park can be a complex task, whether you're a corporate company, developer, or real estate builder. Choosing the right flooring is one of the most crucial decisions. With many options available in the market, selecting the best flooring for your parking space can be challenging.

•    Our wide range of durable and attracitve flooring system - TraffiDeck®  and TraffiCoat®  are designed to meet specific requirement of ground level floors, intermediate decks, ramps and sloping entrance sufaces. DeckCoat coatings are desinged to mark specific zones.  

•    Floorkrete® car park flooring systems are available in a wide range of color options,  textures and UV resistance, ensuring design flexibility, such as multiple color designs, waterproofing properties, high abrasion resistance for turning points, and light colors for cool roof requirements.

•    With chemical resistance properties, Floorkrete® system for car park and garages are resistant to typical stresses, such as traffic loads, de-icing salts and automotive fluids, as well as atmospheric conditions.

•    With the innovative design of floor joints, Multichem's MultiFlex Joint offers reduced vibrations and traffic noice for car parks.


Benefits of Car Park Flooring

•    Durability

•    Improved Light Reflectivity

•    Impact and High Abrasion Resistance

•    Visually Appealing

•   Cost-Effective

•    Easy to Clean

•    Wide Variety of Colors and Patterns


Car Parking Flooring Advantages & Uses

•    Car Park Flooring Solutions / Systems can be used in Mall, Factories, Restaurants, Residencies, Institutes, Business Centers, etc.

•    It  has anti-skid properties, which is non toxic & environmentally friendly.

•    High mechanical strength

•    Easy to clean and has low maintenance.


Why Choose Floorkrete?

We offer premium epoxy and polyurethane flooring solutions for car parking with a focus on high-quality products at competitive prices. At Floorkrete®, we provide a complete solution under one roof, ensuring the best quality finish and long-term durability for your car park.



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