Floor Cleaning Products: MultiKleen & Vapourgard

The most common means to address flooring failures due to moisture vapor is to apply moisture vapor barrier (MVB) coating, VAPOURGARD on the surface of the concrete slab.

Floor Cleaning Products: MultiKleen & Vapourgard

Floor Cleaning Products

For Floorkrete flooring to last longer, it is critical to prepare concrete floors before applicaiton of primer and top coats. Some time concrete has oil spillage, dust or similar problems. It is very important the all existing contaminants are remove before proceeding with Floorkrete application for floor cleaning products. 


MultiKleen range of products are used to create clean and sound substrate.

The most common means to address flooring failures due to moisture vapor is to apply moisture vapor barrier (MVB) coating, VAPOURGARD on the surface of the concrete slab. Applicators can use this method for both existing and new construction jobs since it is the final step before applying the floor covering, such as tile, wood, carpet, laminate etc. or seamless flooring system consisting of multiple coating layers such as broadcast floors, Terrazzo, etc.


Floorkrete Floor cleaning products MultiKleen & Vaporgard is unique, versatile, high quality mini floor cleaning machine designed to clean all types of floor. Our machines are extremely maneuverable.


Floorkrete has different flooring product

Epoxy Flooring , Fast Turnout Flooring , Hybrid Flooring.


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